Perfect Operation for Cotton Trade, Requires Care, Experience and Intelligence.

We are working for you to have the “best” of cotton, one of the most important crops in the world.

Traditional and Organic Cotton for Your Needs

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We are 

Pure Cotton of Excellent Quality and Durability

For 15 years we have been working to provide everything you need regarding cotton. You can trust our cotton that will guide your trade and be sure of its quality.


Our Vision

We see our business as an investment in the future that we make in people’s quality of life. Our business execution strategy is based on two factors: Professionalism and Trustworhty. Thanks to these two factors, we have always been successful in gaining the trust of our customers.

Better Cotton

Offering better is possible by maintaining standards. MOF Trade always aims to offer higher quality cotton by applying systematic working principles and preserving fiber quality.

Sustainable Production

Mof Trade works to promote sustainable production and constantly trains its suppliers to process cotton with ecologically sound growing methods.

Quality You Can Trust

Cotton is the basic natural fiber used in the textile industry, the quality of which is critical for successful processing. Many factors affect fiber quality. Fiber strength is largely genetically determined, so the cotton variety plays an important role in fiber quality. As Mof Trade. We offer quality you can trust.

Affordable Cost, Competitive Prices, Quality Product, Successful Operation

We provide a safe environment where buyers and sellers can trade honestly.

Perfect Trade to Every Point of the World

Special Requests

We research and supply the cotton specific to your needs and the origin for you.

Process management

We manage the supply and delivery process from A to Z with our accessible professional team.

To Every Point of the World

We deliver seamlessly to your location with our logistics network.